Here is the full list of Android-Malware-Families with their corresponding reports from our mobile-sandbox-system. We will try to keep this table up-to-date.
Presentation on myPhD 2011
We will give a presentation on Android malware analysis and the mobile-sandbox-system on this years myPhD-workshop in Erlangen at the 20th of September.
See you all on our “home-base” 🙂
Beta-Version of Mobile-Sandbox released
I’m happy to announce the first public version of our Mobile-Sandbox. At the moment the whole system is still in development state but the static analysis of potential malware for Android powered smartphones is working quite good.
The static analysis does a kind of code review to get used permissions, intents and network action of the analysed app. So if you are working in the field of malware-analysis or anti-virus this service gives a good hint if it is worth doing the manual reverse engineering of the app.
The Mobile-Sandbox for Android OS can be found here:
Mobile-Sandbox for Android malware
In the future we will inform you about a new project called Mobile-Sandbox. This project will develop a sandbox in terms of a automated malware analysis software for the Android OS. The first version which will only allow static analysis will be available in a few weeks, the second version with live analysis will follow later on. The Mobile-Sandbox will come with build-in web-interface where you can upload your apps. After analyzing the source-code and structure of the uploaded app you will get a report with all necessary data.
The whole service will be available under the following link in the near future:
Presentation on SPRING 2011
We will give a presentation on Android forensics, our new tools (ADEL & Panoptes) and mobile malware on this years SPRING in Bochum at the 21st of March. The presentation slides will be available afterwards on the conference website.
See you all in Bochum!