Status Meeting at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

As our work is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research we had the chance to give a presentation of our ongoing work at a status meeting of the ministry in Bonn last week. It was a really interesting two day meeting because many other sponsored projects were invited, too.

Due to the fact that our Mobile-Sandbox attracted a lot of attention there were many interesting discussions afterwards. Let’s see how these discussions will influence the further development of the system.

We also had the chance to present our forensic framework – ADEL – in a poster session. The presented poster can be viewed here:

Presentation on myPhD 2011

We will give a presentation on Android malware analysis and the mobile-sandbox-system on this years myPhD-workshop in Erlangen at the 20th of September.

See you all on our “home-base” 🙂

Beta-Version of Mobile-Sandbox released

I’m happy to announce the first public version of our Mobile-Sandbox. At the moment the whole system is still in development state but the static analysis of potential malware for Android powered smartphones is working quite good.

The static analysis does a kind of code review to get used permissions, intents and network action of the analysed app. So if you are working in the field of malware-analysis or anti-virus this service gives a good hint if it is worth doing the manual reverse engineering of the app.

The Mobile-Sandbox for Android OS can be found here:

Mobile-Sandbox for Android malware

In the future we will inform you about a new project called Mobile-Sandbox. This project will develop a sandbox in terms of a automated malware analysis software for the Android OS. The first version which will only allow static analysis will be available in a few weeks, the second version with live analysis will follow later on. The Mobile-Sandbox will come with build-in web-interface where you can upload your apps. After analyzing the source-code and structure of the uploaded app you will get a report with all necessary data.

The whole service will be available under the following link in the near future: